Snake Water Gun Game:
import random
lst = ['s','w','g']
chance = 10
no_of_chance = 0
computer_point = 0
human_point = 0
print(" \t \t \t \t Snake,Water,Gun Game\n \n")
print("s for snake \nw for water \ng for gun \n")
# making the game in while
while no_of_chance < chance:
_input = input('Snake,Water,Gun:')
_random = random.choice(lst)
if _input == _random:
print("Tie Both 0 point to each \n ")
# if user enter s
elif _input == "s" and _random == "g":
computer_point = computer_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("computer wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n ")
elif _input == "s" and _random == "w":
human_point = human_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("Human wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n")
# if user enter w
elif _input == "w" and _random == "s":
computer_point = computer_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("computer wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n ")
elif _input == "w" and _random == "g":
human_point = human_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("Human wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n")
# if user enter g
elif _input == "g" and _random == "s":
human_point = human_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("Human wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n")
elif _input == "g" and _random == "w":
computer_point = computer_point + 1
print(f"your guess {_input} and computer guess is {_random} \n")
print("computer wins 1 point \n")
print(f"computer_point is {computer_point} and your point is {human_point} \n ")
print("you have input wrong \n")
no_of_chance = no_of_chance + 1
print(f"{chance - no_of_chance} is left out of {chance} \n")
print("Game over")
if computer_point==human_point:
elif computer_point > human_point:
print("Computer wins and you loose")
print("you win and computer loose")
print(f"your point is {human_point} and computer point is {computer_point}")
# Snake Water Gun Game in Python
# The snake drinks the water, the gun shoots the snake, and gun has no effect on water.
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